The Indian Glass Fish is a very popular fish in the hobby of aquarium, although it is reputed to be a fragile animal and difficult to keep. The great truth is that the species is quite tolerant of water parameters, in addition to being very peaceful and shy, being able to live with countless other larger and aggressive fish in community aquariums.
In nature, the Indian Glassfish can be found in several countries on the Asian continent, where it usually inhabits slow-flowing waters both brackish how much fresh water. The species lives confined in estuaries, swamps, lakes, rivers and streams with dense vegetation.
The Indian Glassfish has long, rounded fins, except for two separate, pointed dorsal fins. Its tail fin, for example, is long and forked, and its mouth is quite small. In addition, his forehead is slightly set back and his eyes are quite large. Regarding the colors, the Indian Glass Fish has an almost completely transparent body, revealing its bones and internal organs.
Many traders inject dyes into the fish’s transparent fabric, which ends up making it attractive to the unsuspecting hobbyist. Colors usually range from fluorescent yellow, pink or green. Because of this, many people are deceived into thinking that these are the natural colors of the fish, or that the process does not cause any harm or pain to the animal. However, this is not the case. These fish suffer serious trauma from these procedures, making them susceptible to diseases such as Fin rot, velvet disease and
Top 10 colorful fish to place…
Name: Indian Glass Fish, Glass Fish, Indian Glass Fish;
Scientific name: parambassis ranga (Hamilton, 1822);
Family: Ambassidae;
Origin of Species: Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Nepal);
Length: Up to 9.5 cm;
Life expectancy: Between 3 – 5 years;
Difficulty level: Easy / Moderate;
Omnivorous. Feeding the Indian Glassfish is an easy task as it will accept most live, frozen and dried foods available to ornamental fish.
In an aquarium, your diet should contain a mixture of live and frozen foods such as larvae, tubifex, daphnia and mysis shrimp. In addition, he will also accept high quality flake food, but this should not be his only food source.
You should feed Indian Glassfish in small amounts once or twice a day.
Water Parameters
pH: Keep between 7.0 – 8.0;
water hardness: Between 9 – 19;
Temperature: Keep between 20 – 30°C;
Temperament / Behavior
Generally speaking, the Indian Glassfish is quite shy and peaceful. However, as it is a shoal species, it must be kept in groups of at least 6 fish. Keeping him alone can make him feel cornered and hidden a lot of the time.
The only time the Indian Glassfish can become a bit aggressive is during the breeding seasons, although it does not cause any physical harm to other fish.
Regarding aquarium companions, it is possible to keep the Indian Glassfish with a huge variety of species, as this will only depend on the type of environment you are mounting (brackish or fresh water).
So, in a freshwater aquarium, some good aquarium companions include, for example:
In a brackish water environment, you can keep them with the famous mollies.
sexual dimorphism
Distinguishing the male from the female of the Indian Glassfish is not a difficult task, but it is much easier during the breeding seasons. Males have a yellow tint to their bodies and develop blue or black edges on their dorsal and anal fins.
Mating / Reproduction
It is not very difficult to breed the Indian Glassfish, although raising the fry is a complicated task.
You should set up a well-planted aquarium and add a minimum of 6 – 8 adult fish. A good tip is to leave the aquarium in an environment where it receives some direct sunlight in the morning. So, feed the fish a varied, high-quality diet. During this period, keep them at a temperature between 21 – 23°C and pH around 7.0.
When the fish are ready for reproduction, that is, the males with their intensified colors and the females with more rounded bellies, make a big partial water change warmer (about 26 – 28°C). Spawning should take place in the morning of the next day, where a couple can lay up to 200 eggs. However, the eggs will stick to the leaves and stems of the plants! So, at that point, the adult fish can be removed from the aquarium.
Remember that eggs are very sensitive to fungi and you will need to dose a little methylene blue, or some similar product, to protect them. Hatching occurs in about 24 hours and the fry will hang from the leaves and stems of the plants.
The chicks will start to swim freely around the third and fourth day, but in general, raising them is very difficult, as they do not actively seek food and need it to land very close to them.
Finally, I suggest that you feed them brine shrimp nauplii and create a weak current in the aquarium. In addition, perform small partial water changes to maintain optimal conditions.
plants and hiding places formed with logs and rocks so they can have a place to hide.
The water flow must be smooth, since in nature the species inhabits very calm waters. Although it is a small fish in size, still a group made up of several of them will fill the middle and lower region of the aquarium, causing a very beautiful effect to be appreciated.