Congo Tetra Fish Care : Tank Mates Complete Guide

The colorful tetra fish native to South America are related to the Congo River region in Africa. These African relatives are not inferior in color and one of the typical representatives is the Congo fish .

Varied colors, shimmering rainbow, found in both male and female Congo tetra fish for the purpose of finding a mate.

Through the article below, would like to provide information as well as instructions for taking care of this beautiful Congo tetra fish.

Surname Arestidae
Source Congo River Basin
Mature size 7 to 8 cm
Character Peace
Longevity 3 to 5 years
Water layer Swim in all levels of water
Minimum tank size 100 LEVEL
Diet omnivores
Reproduction Lay egg
Requirement of care medium
pH 6.0 to 7.5
Stiffness 3 to 18 dGH
Temperature 22°C to 27°C


Belonging to the order African fat carp, Congo fish are found mainly in the Congo Basin . They inhabit streams, tributaries, pools and swamps, preferring dark and slightly acidic water. Congo tetra fish usually congregate in areas with high vegetation, few trees, and a substrate made up of sand, silt, and mud. Congo fish are school fish that eat worms, crustaceans, insects, plants and algae.

Congo fish were first discovered in 1949 and they were first kept as ornamental fish until the 1960s before being noticed by aquarists.

Congo fish breed in hatcheries has the same characteristics as fish in the wild, preserving the rainbow colors and beautiful tails of native African fish.


Congo fish in the wild can reach a length of 11 to 12cm. However, the varieties raised in the fish farm, although with full fins and colors like natural fish, will be much smaller in size, only about 7 to 8cm in size. Usually, males are larger and slightly longer than females. But the females are plumper, rounder, especially when she is ready for mating.

Congo fish has a long, flat body with large scales, a colored stripe running from head to tail capable of rainbow luminescence. Depending on how the light is reflected, you may see shades of blue, yellow, purple, and turquoise. Males have long purple fins with white borders; The caudal fin is long and flows along the dorsal line, the curving shape flows through the water very beautifully.

Male and Female Congo fish

Males are more colorful than females; Males are significantly larger and have a more complex fin structure with a mid-length caudal fin, and a large, well-defined dorsal fin. Females are mainly yellow with silver and green sheen. Females do not have beautiful fins like males.


Congo fish are quite hardy , but only if the habitat is properly maintained. Fish like dark, low-lit tanks, you can easily create such a tank condition with dim aquarium lights and lots of floating plants. Congo tetra prefers dark substrates and likes to gnaw on plants that grow at the bottom of the tank. You fill the bottom of the tank with a dark and sandy base, which helps to recreate the muddy bottoms of the watershed.

Congo tetra fish are comfortable with a wide variety of plants in their habitat. Not only does it act as a hiding place when threatened, but it also provides protection from strong light.

You should arrange your plants into small clusters, although large clumps will look better, large clusters of trees form an obstacle that will make it difficult for fish to swim. The area in the center of the aquarium should be spacious enough for the fish to gather and swim in groups. You can also add some caves, rocks or driftwood, creating more hiding spots for your Congo tetra.

To help your fish maintain good health, you need to provide them with plenty of swimming space and an effective water filter that keeps nitrate levels low. If water quality declines, Congo tetras may lose some color or have damaged fins. Water parameters suitable for aquarium Congo tetra :

  • Water temperature: 22°C to 27°C
  • pH: 6.0 to 7.5
  • Water hardness: 3 to 18 dGH

Tank Mates

Congo tetra is a school fish, so in your tank you need to keep at least six of the same species. If kept with other fish of the same or smaller size, Congo tetras are usually very peaceful. Ideal species commonly kept with Congo tetras include other tetra species, rainbowfish and Corydoras catfish.

Avoid keeping Congo tetras with aggressive species, as they will bully the gentle and passive Congo tetras. Do not keep Congo tetra with any fish that are prone to predation as they will likely destroy the beautiful fins of the male Congo tetra.

The recommended tank size when keeping Congo tetra is 100 liters. You don’t need a tank that’s too big, but just the right size to keep them happy and healthy!

Congo fish diet

Congo tetra fish are omnivores , hardly picky eaters; In the wild, they eat insects, worms, plants and algae. As pets, they are easy to keep, Congo Tetra well rolls commercial food in the form of flakes or dry pellets. However, you should supplement your fish’s diet with some fresh, nutrient-rich foods such as artemia and bloodworms.

Congo tetra should be fed in small amounts several times a day. Many aquarists also feed their fish small pieces of fresh vegetables for a vitamin boost. Don’t worry if you observe your fish not rushing to the food, as they may shy away from eating while being watched.


Congolese fish are at risk of many common fish diseases . However, this species is basically quite healthy, without any serious characteristic diseases

The most common disease you may have to deal with is Ich – white spot disease, which is relatively simple to treat once you isolate the fish and use medications.

You can prevent Ich as well as other diseases in fish by staying vigilant about the water condition and the overall environment of the tank. It is important to remember that prevention is always easier than treatment.

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